Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Teenage Suicide Essay Example For Students
High school Suicide Essay Book Report SuicideDurkheims aim was to clarify the clearly singular act ofsuicide regarding societys impacts. His methodology depended on adistinction between singular instances of self destruction and societys, or socialgroups, self destruction rates. As indicated by Durkheim, the dependability andconsistency in self destruction rates was an unchangeable social actuality which couldonly be seen sociologically. Social realities are aggregate phenomena,which keep down individual conduct. For Durkheim, social orders hold backindividuals in two different ways. In the first place, by restricting them to one another to a greaterextent through shared participation of social establishments (combination). Second, by giving explicit objectives and intends to attaing them(regulation). Durkheim created four kinds of self destruction from his origination of socialand moral request. Selfish self destruction is the debilitating of the ties restricting theindividual to society, delivering an abundance of independence. Which intimes of emergency, can leave the individual confined, feeling a need ofsupport and progressively defenseless against despondency and at last self destruction. We will compose a custom exposition on Teenage Suicide explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Philanthropic self destruction, which is something contrary to proud self destruction, theindividuals personality, as opposed to being to incredible, is to frail to oppose thedemands of social custom to end it all. Anomie self destruction is a consequence of apersons action ailing in guideline. Durkheim recognized betweenacute and ceaseless anomie. Intense anomie might be the aftereffect of some suddencrisis, for example, a financial emergency. Ceaseless anomie is the aftereffect of a moregradual advancement of present day social orders where people are increasinglyplaced into circumstances of rivalry with one another. Durkheim utilized similitudes between self destruction rates and different rates ofexternal relationship to show the presence of his key causal ideas. Forexample, the insights indicated that Catholic zones had reliably lowersuicide rates than Protestant territories; individuals who were hitched with childrenwere less slanted to self destruction than the single or childless; and a societyssuicide rate fell in the midst of war or political change. Durkheim was notarguing that the distinctions in religion, family life or political activitywere factors affecting self destruction. Or maybe he was stating that therelationship among self destruction and strict, local and political lifewere the undetectable hidden reasons for self destruction. Durkheim utilized similitudes between expanded self destruction rates and periodsof monetary vacillation to represent the presence of anomic self destruction. Intimes of fast monetary change an expanding number of individuals findthemselves in modified circumstances where the standards and qualities by which theyhad recently experienced their lives turns out to be less applicable and the resultingstate of good deregulation, or anomie, leaves them increasingly helpless tosuicide. Thus, Durkheim had the option to contend from his examination that, even thoughsuicide seems, by all accounts, to be an absolutely singular wonder, its basic causesare basically social. As Raymond Aron (1968), summing up Durkheimsachievement, put it, There are, along these lines, explicit social wonders whichgovern singular marvels. The most noteworthy, most smooth model isthat of the social powers which drive people to their demises, each onebelieving they are complying with just themselves (p. 34). Despite the fact that Durkheims work affected futuresociological investigations of self destruction and the improvement of human science generally,it is imperative to manage at the top of the priority list the restrictions of this impact and themany reactions that have been made of Suicide (see, for example Lester, 1992). Inthe humanism of self destruction, as in many zones inside the wellbeing field, a broaddistinction can be made between positivist investigations of social causation andneo-phenomenological investigations of social development. Inquisitively, neitherperspective acknowledges Durkheims approach. Positivist specialists, whilegenerally affirming of Durkheims endeavor to connect self destruction rates withsocial factors, have genuinely guaranteed that Durkheims keyconcepts of social incorporation and guideline were characterized too freely toallow for legitimate experimental testing. In this way, in imperialistic terms, thetheory was not logical on the grounds that it wo uld never be discredited by theevidence. .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .postImageUrl , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:hover , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:visited , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:active { border:0!important; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:active , .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u35f894d885fc4d5 fac18b800a84357aa .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u35f894d885fc4d5fac18b800a84357aa:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Beowulf: First Literary Superhero EssayPhenomenologists, scrutinizing the general concept of attempting to explainsuicide sociologically, have focused on Durkheims uncritical acceptanceof official self destruction rates. Examination by Douglas (1967) and Atkinson (1978)into the social development of self destruction measurements has indicated how certaintypes of death (for instance hangings and drownings) and certain evidencefrom the deceaseds past (for instance, sorrow, social problems,isolation) go about as self-destructive signals which, taken together, empower officialsto build a self-destructive life story which would then le gitimize a suicideverdict. Atkinson, for instance, shows that a demise might be recorded asa self destruction when authorities can find proof steady withgeneral social presumptions in Western social orders regarding why individuals killthemselves and how they approach doing it. He proceeds to contend thatDurkheim and other people who utilize official self destruction rates and find themconsistently identified with variables, for example, social confinement and status changemay not in reality be finding the social reasons for self destruction. DismissingDurkheims desire of attempting to clarify the social premise of suicidescientifically, phenomenologists contend that the most human science can offer isinterpretations of how self-destructive implications are developed in givensituations. So what can a book composed a century prior generally reprimanded and basedon suspect nineteenth century measurements educate us concerning self destruction in contemporarysocieties? One answer may be that Durkheims splendid hypothesis can stillprovide a reason for estimating about self destruction, yet in addition aboutdepression and psychological wellness for the most part (Brown ; Harris, 1978). Anotheranswer may be that exactly Durkheim was somewhat right aboutthe reasons for self destruction and that his hypothetical ideas of combination andanomie can assist with understanding a scope of self-hurting practices fromsuicide to self-mutilation and dietary issues. Given the reactions of Suicide by others and its apparentshortcomings as far as Durkheims own aspirations, are most commentatorscorrect when they award the work a respected yet basically historicalclassic status? Have we truly advanced past Durkheim? I am not surewe have. So regarding the connection between the individual and society we haveeither organically orientated speculations which portray the individual as littlemore than a social living being headed to self destruction by inside variables, suchas low degrees of serotonin metabolic 5-hydroxindoleacetic corrosive in thecerebrospinal liquid, or sociological clarifications where an altogether socialindividual is by one way or another pushed towards self destruction by different outer factorsin similarly as one billiard ball is pushed towards a pocket byanother. Regardless of whether we are considering self destruction, different parts of mortality oranything else, we are definitely stood up to by a progression of strains arisingfrom attempting to comprehend the activities of natural creatures which arepartially impacted by their way of life, attempting to comprehend through ourexperience and through conceptual explanation, and attempting to understand amaterial world where genuine articles occur, similar to individuals murdering themselves,but which we can just comprehend through different frameworks of thought. No place, in my view, are the subsequent strains and the splendid attemptto resolve them more obvious than in Suicide. This is the thing that makes thisbrilliant boo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Write a Scholarly Paper
How to Write a Scholarly PaperIf you want to learn how to write a scholarly paper, you have to choose the topic and then learn the methods of writing papers that are suitable for that topic. You can go for a course or consult a professor but there are several methods that you can try out yourself. This article discusses five effective methods of writing a scholarly paper that can help you.One of the methods that many students use is the use of examples. The examples should be chosen in such a way that it can give an insight into the subject matter. You can also use real life situations as examples and then describe what the situation is about. This method will enable you to use examples in your essay and enhance the analytical ability of your paper.Another method is the use of synonyms. These words are used to make a substitute for a certain word that is missing in the paper. It is possible to replace the words 'cancer 'cholesterol' with 'androgenic hormone', 'steroid 'thyroid gland' . By doing this, you will not only be able to complete your paper but will also know the subject matter well enough.The other methods that you can use include vocabulary lists. These are important to know because they will allow you to come up with terms in order to complete your sentence structures. Using words from a vocabulary list will also help you understand and remember what the term means.The third method is a combination of the two methods. You can use a list of synonyms and then put those words in front of your subject. This will make it easy for you to talk about what the subject is about and it will also be helpful for you to understand the meaning of the words that you use.The last method that you can use is the most popular method. The usage of acronyms is a very effective method that can be used when you want to mention certain types of terms that are commonly used in the field of science. For example, the acronym 'SDM' can be used in a 'SciDict' article to describe t he subject.You can use acronyms when you want to discuss scientific jargon in your paper. Also, acronyms are very useful for writing articles that will be used for exams. You should also include these words in your research papers.Now that you know some of the ways on how to write a scholarly paper, you can use these methods in your papers. You can use these methods if you are still getting to know the basics of writing and if you are unable to write a scholarly paper without using these methods. Try these methods to learn how to write a scholarly paper now.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 71
Task Example The litigant and the offended party concur under the oversight of the court to actualize the pronouncement. A case of an assent order is in separate from circumstances where the couple chooses to settle under the management of a court. Dissimilar effect is the oppression a class that happens due to the employerââ¬â¢s impartial work practice, when the business has an imbalance along the ensured line. Unique treatment is oppression a person in an ensured bunch that happens because of inconsistent treatment from the business, contrasted with the others. Utilizing the four-fifths rule, the pace of determination of each gathering is determined by partitioning the quantity of the chose people in a gathering by the quantity of all out candidates in that gathering, and the gathering with the most noteworthy choice is watched. The effect proportions are then determined by contrasting this determination rate and the most noteworthy gathering. Any gathering with a generously less determination rate than that of the most noteworthy gathering is watched. The business guards against segregation charges incorporate occupation relatedness, business need, BFOQ, and BFSS. In work relatedness the business contends that the representative doesn't work successfully. In the business need, the business contends that the ensured worker must have a given business need. The BFOQ will be founded on their capabilities while the BFSS will be founded on the determination measures or a proportion. An unfriendly workplace is a hostile work space that is portrayed by unlawful physical or verbal badgering that shows threatening vibe towards an individual basing on shading, religion, race, sexual orientation, national cause, age, handicap, their family members, companions, and partners. Associations can have strategies that portray the constituents of an antagonistic workplace, and what is a wrong conduct. It can likewise illuminate and teach representatives on the hierarchical approaches. They ought to research all
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Killer Savagery in Lord of the Flies - Literature Essay Samples
Civilization, at its core, was created to suppress barbaric instinct. However, in extreme circumstances, it is possible for instinct to prevail over civility. William Goldingââ¬â¢s timeless Lord of the Flies is a prime example of instinct overpowering civility, along with many other important themes and ideas. Savagery and darkness are two significant motifs that reoccur in the book, both of which supply evidence to the theme of the novel that the nature of mankind is savage and dark at its core. à à à à à à à à à The motif of savagery beings to operate early on in the novel with the intent to disparage civility. Towards the beginning of the book, the boys have the sensible idea of building a signal fire in order to alert any ships in the area. However, this civil idea quickly turns savage, as fire quickly engulfs the entire forest, ultimately killing one of the littluns. The boys are essentially left with no control over the fire: ââ¬Å"Small flames stirred at the trunk of a tree and crawled away through leaves and brushwood, dividing and increasing. One patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled up like a bright squirrelâ⬠(Golding 44). The author compares the fire to a ââ¬Å"squirrel,â⬠animalistic by nature, with no sense of human order controlling it, thus operating in a very savage fashion. The passage continues: ââ¬Å"the squirrel leapt on the wings of the wind and clung to another standing tree, eating downwardsâ⬠¦ Beneath the capering boys a quarter of a mile square of forest was savage with smoke and flameâ⬠(44). The author continues with comparing the fire, the brainchild of the boys, to an animal, further symbolizing the beginning of the transition of the boys from civilized humans to barbaric animals. Additionally, the author depicts the immense fire with a sense of confusion and chaos, progressing the idea of this ââ¬Å"savageâ⬠fire. This fire is a landmark event in the novel. Before the fire, the boys try to maintain civility, thus preventing savagery, with the election of a leader and the use of the conch. However, the fire marks the transition in the novel where most of the boys, excluding Piggy and Simon, embrace their savage roots and ignore civility as a whole. The violent fire the boys have created even kills one of their own, yet, still only a few kids continue to make active attempts to try to remain civilized; the others begin to buy into the savage and uncivilized lifestyle because it is human nature to do so. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à As the novel progresses, the boys become increasingly savage in nature, destroying their innocence, and providing evidence for the theme. Throughout the novel, Simon is seen to be a very innocent character with a rare sense of morality on the island. He is even considered by some to be the Christ-like figure of the novel due to the biblical parallels in his ââ¬Å"sacrificialâ⬠death and his deep connection with nature and the island. Yet, with Jack as their leader, the boys descend upon Simon like a piece of meat, with savagery in their hearts, ultimately murdering him: ââ¬Å"Simon was crying out something about a dead man on a hill. Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood Do him in! The beast [Simon] was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its faceâ⬠¦ At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt onto the beast, screamed, struck, bit, toreâ⬠(153). Simonââ¬â¢s death is a sacrifice that reveals the true savage nature of these b oys, and of mankind as a whole. The boys project their own evil and experience onto Simon by believing him, although pure at heart, to be the beast, which causes them to ââ¬Å"tear himâ⬠to shreds with their own bare hands. This act speaks akin to the power of savagery. These boys, originally wealthy and proper English boys, in just a few weeks, have become savages. They are able to literally murder one of their own brethren based on a sheer insecurity. If proper and innocent English school children can revert to savagery so easily, to killing each other, it exemplifies that all humans are, in essence, savages by nature, and that civility is a mere tool to suppress savagery and instinct. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à The author uses the motif of darkness to demonstrate that all humans are dark and ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠at heart, which correlates to the theme of the book. When Jack and the chorus are first introduced in the story, a sense of darkness blunders around: ââ¬Å"Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along. Ralph saw it first and watched till the intentness of his gaze drew all eyes that way. Then the creature stepped from mirage onto clear sand and they saw that the darkness was not all shadow, but mostly clothingâ⬠(19). The darkness, a symbol of evil and the unknown, foreshadows the bad intentions and mystery of the chorus, Jack in particular. Metaphorically, Jack and the chorus are living masses of evil and darkness, yet the others still flock to follow them later in the story. However, Jack and the chorus are not the only ââ¬Å"darkâ⬠and evil beings on the island. In fact, the author believes all of mankind to be inherently evil, hence: ââ¬Å"Ra lph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of manââ¬â¢s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggyâ⬠(202). In the closing moments of the book, Ralph realizes that all of the boys, including himself, have lost their innocence. Furthermore, Ralph becomes aware that all men and women are innately evil. ââ¬Å"The darkness of manââ¬â¢s heartâ⬠plagues each and every individual. Ralph finally understands that all of the savagery and death that occurred on the island was due to the darkness of manââ¬â¢s soul, manââ¬â¢s true evil nature. à à à à à à à à à à à à à In William Goldingââ¬â¢s Lord of the Flies, savagery and darkness are reoccurring motifs that provide textual evidence to the theme that mankind is barbaric and evil at its nature. Throughout the novel, savagery is shown to belittle civility, thus rendering it ineffective, revealing manââ¬â¢s true instinctual nature. Furthermore, the author illustrates that darkness is ever-present in the soul of all men and women, revealing manââ¬â¢s true evil nature. The Lord of the Flies shows that, given the chance, it is relatively easy for man to break the bonds of civilization that rule them, and develop into savage beasts.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Republic - Book 1 - Theme Of Justice Essay - 2346 Words
The subject matter of the ââ¬Å"Republicâ⬠is the nature of justice and its relation to human existence. Book I of the ââ¬Å"republicâ⬠contains a critical examination of the nature and virtue of justice. Socrates engages in a dialectic with Thrasymachus, Polemarchus, and Cephalus, a method which leads to the asking and answering of questions which directs to a logical refutation and thus leading to a convincing argument of the true nature of justice. And that is the main function of Book I, to clear the ground of mistaken or inadequate accounts of justice in order to make room for the new theory. Socrates attempts to show that certain beliefs and attitudes of justice and its nature are inadequate or inconsistent, and present a way in which thoseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Socrates, which recognizes that justice is an attribute of the good person, still sees Cephalusââ¬â¢ view as only possible with sufficient material wealth. Cephalus is not a reflective person, it is obviously suggested when he states that a person can satisfy the requirements of a just and good life by possessing the right disposition and equipped with adequate wealth. But that is all that his life experiences have shown him and unlike Socrates, Cephalus is not a man for whom unexamined life is not worth living. Therefore Socratesââ¬â¢ response to Cephalus is not a direct confrontation. Socrates comments that the value of talking to old men is that they may teach us something about the life they have traversed. They may tell us the benefits of old age, however, Plato exploits Cephalusââ¬â¢ account of old age to suggest that old age is not a source of wisdom. The wisdom and goodness which enables Cephalus to see his age as a beneficial state need not come with old age. To most men, as Cephalus recognizes, old age is a source of misery and resentment. Only those who have order and peace with themselves can ââ¬Å"accept old age with equanimity.â⬠And so it turns out that neither youth nor old age are conditions which enable people to perceive the just way to live; its character and a right disposition. Cephalus supposes that material possession is responsible for the correct perception of what makes a life good. But take theShow MoreRelatedThe Republic - Book 1 - Theme of Justice2417 Words à |à 10 Pagessubject matter of the Republic is the nature of justice and its relation to human existence. Book I of the republic contains a critical examination of the nature and virtue of justice. Socrates engages in a dialectic with Thrasymachus, Polemarchus, and Cephalus, a method which leads to the asking and answering of questions which directs to a logical refutation and thus leading to a convincing argument of the true nature of justice. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Factors That Influence Professional Practice When Working...
With the reference to at least two theories of learning, discuss how differing theoretical perspectives, and our interpretation of these, might influence professional practice when working with children and young people. There are many different ways in which children can learn, for instance, behaviourism, cognitive learning theory, humanism, emotional literacy, brain-based learning. These theories have an impact on childrenââ¬â¢s holistic development and professionals have to ensure they meet childrenââ¬â¢s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. First the essay will focus on the behaviourism theory and then cognitive learning theory and will outline the background and basics of these theories and then the essay will look at how these theories can benefit and influence professionals practice when working with children and young people in an infant school setting (aged 4-7). Professional practice is ensuring service, responsive to government and needs of public, accountability, fairness and effectiveness these principles are fundamental to good professional practice and inform us of the expectations. Early childhood educators are required to demonstrate an understanding of chi ldrenââ¬â¢s development and the ways of learning and how to implement these relevant theories into childrenââ¬â¢s learning experience. Behaviourism is a theory of learning established in the 1920ââ¬â¢s to 1950ââ¬â¢s and was founded by John B. Watson (1978-1958) based on the idea that behaviours can meShow MoreRelatedThe Getting It Right For Every Child1495 Words à |à 6 PagesEvery Child (GIRFEC) framework was introduced through the development of the Children and Young People Act, 2014 which intends to protect the well-being of children and young people of Scotland (Tisdall, 2015). 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The particular model focus for this essay is the socialRead MoreSocial Ecological Perspective Essay1525 Words à |à 7 PagesBronfenbrenner in 1979 social ecological perspectives have been widely used to formulate practice guidelines and government policies when planning service needs for children, young people and their families. This essay will discuss what a social ecological perspective consists of, what limitations it may incur and how it can assist us in developing best practice and understanding when working with children, young people and families. It will draw on examples from K218 for illustrative purposes. SocialRead MoreThe Social Ecological Perspective Of Children, Young People And Their Families1330 Words à |à 6 PagesThis study will examine the social ecological perspective of children, young people and their families and will demonstrate how this perspective can help in developing practice. 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Using These as the Context, Produce a Critical Reflection on What You Have Learned About Your Own Practice.1745 Words à |à 7 Pagesout in your PLO. Using these as the context, produce a critical reflection on what you have learned about your own practice. The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect on how effective my practice is by analysing my own direct work with service users and colleagues whilst on placement at a childrenââ¬â¢s home. It is vital for me to be able to reflect on my own practice as I can adapt how I think, feel and behave in order to better meet the needs of service users. This statement is agreedRead MoreMarket Analysis : Saudi Arabia1700 Words à |à 7 PagesMarket analysis summary Among the countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia contains some of the largest markets with over 27 million consumers and several global enterprises. Saudi society is often described as young, dynamic and affluent which often cause rapid growth in several sectors. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Question: Describe about the wireless network security and prevention methods. Answer: Introduction Background Wireless networks are one of the major issues in computing and information technology that are prone to many security threats and attacks. This area of wireless networks involves information transfer hence needs security to ensure that an organizations information is not breached. Wireless networks can be secured through many different means as discussed in this essay. Scope of engagement This essay looks into the threats that wireless networks are likely to face. On top of that, the essay also discusses the different ways that can be applied to deal with the threats and also more on preventive measures, which are meant to make sure that security attack issues do not occur. Tools used In doing a research on wireless network security and preventive methods, the scope of a local area network was applied. The different tools used are the ones used locally in the network. This tools include personal computers, switches, and the network itself. Other tools for communication within the local area network were also considered. Summary of findings Impact in life Anantvalee Wu (2007) explain what it takes to go remote for the most part, which makes use of an access point for a web like a DSL modem or a link to a remote switch. This action transmits a sign through the air up to a maximum of one hundred feet. Any device that is within the hundred feet coverage can get the sign from the air and access the web. If no precautionary measures are taken, any person close can make use of the system. The implication is that nearby programmers or other persons could piggyback the system or access information in the device. When approved individual makes use of the system to carry out an unauthorized activity or send malicious software, the action could be followed back to the record. Use Encryption on the Wireless Network When you go remote, you ought to scramble the data you send to the remote system, so that close-by aggressors cannot listen stealthily on these interchanges. Encryption scrambles the data sent into a code for it not to be open to others. Making use of encryption is the best approach to secure the system from intruders. Two primary types of encryption are used for this reason: Wi-Fi Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). The personal computer, switch and other gadgets used must make use of the same encryption. WPA2 is the most grounded and its use is applied on the rare chance that a decision is made. This encryption algorithm protects the network against general programmers. WEP encryption algorithm is also utilized by some more seasoned switches, in which there is no shielding against some particular programs for hacking. Another switch with WPA2 capacity can be purchased (Shin, Ma, Mishra Arbaugh, 2006). Access should be allowed to specific gadgets to gain access to the remote system. Every device that speaks with a system is an example of a Media Access Control (MAC) address. In most cases, remote switches have a system that allows specific gadgets with particular MAC locations to get access to the system. Many programmers have made use of the MAC addresses, so its dependence alone is not good. Secure the Router It is additionally vital to shield the system from assaults over the web by keeping the switch secure. The switch coordinates activity between the nearby system and the web. Along these lines, it is the first line of safeguard for guarding against such assaults. If you do not find a way to secure the switch, outsiders could access delicate individual or money related data on the gadget. Outsiders additionally could seize control of the switch, to direct the network to deceitful sites. A change of the switch name from the default one is required. The identifier of the switch, commonly referred to as the administration set identifier (SSID) is a standard that means a default ID that is allocated by the producer. The name should be changed to another one that no other person knows. Follow the recent advancements in technology: To ensure security, the accompanying product to the switch needs periodic updating. Before placing another switch, one should visit the site of the marker to see if there are variants of the product to download. Finding out about the most recent form, enroll the switch with the maker and sign up to get upgrades. What's more, after securing the switch, keep in mind to secure the PC as well. Utilize the same fundamental PC security rehearses that for any PC are associated with the web. For instance, use assurances like antivirus, antispyware, and a firewall - and stay up with the latest. Change the name of the home remote system When the home remote system has been set up, you have to change the SSID (Service Set Identifier). This is the name of the home system, the name other cell phones will see when attempting to associate with the Internet by utilizing the remote system from the home. The reason that a change of its name is needed is entirely simple to figure. Altering the name expands the trouble for a programmer to access the system. For the most part, switch makers allot the name of the organization that delivered the switch and it could be something like "Linksys", "Cisco" or "Belkin" (Anantvalee Wu, 2007). If the SSID is not adjusted, a programmer has a superior shot of breaking into a system, just by knowing the producer of the switch. Utilize this manual for roll out the vital improvements. Also, one additionally thing identified with this progression: Do not use the name or the family name so as to abstain from being recognized as the proprietor of the system. This is another point of interest that could give favorable position for a potential programmer or for an online criminal that may endeavor a data fraud operation. Pick a reliable and exceptional secret word for the remote system The remote switch comes pre-set with a default secret key. The issue is that this secret default word is anything but difficult to figure by programmers, particularly is they know the producer's name for the switch. At the point when setting a decent secret key for the remote system, ensure it is no less than 20 characters in length and incorporates numbers, letters, and different images. This setting will keep other individuals from getting to the system. Despite the fact that as a rule, it is nothing more genuine than some neighbor "taking" from the system transmission capacity speed, you may need to manage other all the more difficult circumstances, as online crooks that can get to the system to "tune in" to the activity information and recover touchy data. Expand the security by empowering system encryption There are a couple of well-known encryption alternatives for remote systems, as WEP, WPA, and WPA2. The last type of encryption, WPA2, is favored for its enhanced security and particularly if there is a home system. The choice to encode activity is valuable if one has to make the correspondence signals unusable for any unapproved outsider programming. As of now all remote gadgets out there bolster this innovation and it is normal information to utilize WPA2, which has a more noteworthy level of security. Impair the remote system when not at home This alternative is helpful, particularly when leaving home for broadened timeframes, for an excursion or a couple of days. This security measure, other than helping you to lessen power utilization, it will clearly stop any programmers that could tune into the system's movement or might attempt to get to it for noxious purposes. The position of setting up the switch in the house It could be a smart thought to put the remote switch as close as would be prudent to the center of the home. What's more, it's not only for each spot or room in the house to have the same access to the Internet but since you would prefer not to have the remote sign extent reach a lot outside the home, where it can be effectively gotten by programmers. Thus, don't put it excessively near a window, from where the sign can be effortlessly gotten to from outside, even at some separation, and may likewise take after our fourth govern to debilitate the switch when leaving the home. Pick a solid secret key for the system executive To set up the remote switch, generally get to an online stage or page, where adjustments are made to the system settings. As everyone knows, it is something ordinary to discover a switch with default certifications, for example, "Administrator" and "secret key" (Anantvalee Wu, 2007). Furthermore, these default login qualifications are not all that hard to break by a programmer. Most changes we do on an online stage are things like setting a solid secret key for the remote system or changing the system's name, both changes being made to guarantee a more prominent level of assurance from online offenders' noxious activities. Be that as it may if an IT criminal can get to the director stage and access the system's setup and design settings, this will demolish the day without a doubt. Stay up with the latest Consider the switch's product like whatever another programming you have on the working framework. It might be the antivirus program or whatever other application running on the framework (Xiao, Lin Du, 2007). The switch's firmware, similar to some other programming, contains defects which can get to be significant vulnerabilities unless they are immediately settled by firmware discharges from the producer. The issue is that most switches don't have the choice to introduce the most recent security upgrades and every once in a while one has to check the official site for security fixes. We should not overlook that a portion of the most noticeably bad security ruptures originated from security gaps in unpatched programs and working frameworks. Ensure the Network amid Mobile Access Applications now permit you to get to the home system from a cell phone. Before that, it is imperative to make certain that some security elements are set up. Try not to give outsiders a chance to utilize the system Secret key ensures the remote association. Turn on WEP (wired equivalency security) or WPA (Wi-Fi ensured access) on the majority of the gadgets, including the switch, the media focus, and the Microsoft Xbox stimulation framework. For more data, see Set up a security key for a remote system. Move the remote switch Place the remote access point far from windows and close to the focal point of the home to diminish the sign quality outside of the planned scope region. Conclusion In conclusion, it is imperative to comprehend that keeping all products current is important and counting the web program, with programmed upgrading. This measure is undertaken to ensure that the firewall is turned on and use antivirus and antispyware programming from a source that you trust, for example, Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender (incorporated with Windows 8). Ordinarily, one can get to the switch's interface from a gadget associated with the system, yet a few switches permit to get to even from remote frameworks. To stop online programmers access to the switch's private settings, it is protected to handicap this choice in the switch's settings. References Anantvalee, T., Wu, J. (2007). A survey on intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc networks. InWireless Network Security(pp. 159-180). Springer US. Shin, M., Ma, J., Mishra, A., Arbaugh, W. A. (2006). Wireless network security and interworking.Proceedings of the IEEE,94(2), 455-466. Xiao, Y., Lin, Y. B., Du, D. Z. (2007). Wireless network security.EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,2006(1), 1-2.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
What Makes a Successful Situation Comedy
Introduction A situation comedy is a comic television series composed of episodes or scenes involving similar group of characters dealing with an issue, abnormal situation and many other scenes that may arise1. The short form of situation comedy is sitcom. This is usually accompanied by jokes as part of a conversation. A successful situation comedy is one that has high frequency of laughter.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes a Successful Situation Comedy? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The frequency can be three to four times in a minute. Therefore, situation comedies make us fulfill our desires to be happy. It is also concerned with the way we often lose the desire to be happy and lose our direction because of unreasonable fears and desires that are misled. They show how the central conflict of human life is played out by between people. Situation comedies give its audience several kinds of satisfacti ons2. Several ingredients make a successful situation comedy. These important components must all be present in any situation comedy that can be termed as successful. The ingredients are character creation, titles themes, situations and locations, pace, irregular expressions and epilogue. The strength or clarity of these ingredients may vary from one comedy to another3. These ingredients can be discussed as follows: Character creation This is the most important factor in a successful situation comedy. Development of the way in which a given character behaves and relates with other characters and their environment is called character creation (characterization)4. In a situation comedy, there are many, several facets of characterization. This comprise of: An individual character Each character is given different attributes describing their past and present behavior. In a situation comedy, the future behavior of a character is not clearly developed. However, the knowledge of the future attributes of the character is very important in order for one to guess what is to come next. This knowledge may vary on the level of ââ¬Å"most probableâ⬠to ââ¬Å"most unlikely.â⬠It is important to develop a list of attributes of the characters, but one should be cautious enough not to exaggerate. In this case, people are not interested in the internal personality of a character but the external persona.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this kind of comedy, the author briefly highlights character even if the author has a thorough knowledge of the character. It is also necessary to consider a favourable character in this kind of comedy for instance Tony Hancock whose background was briefly highlighted in the comedy Hancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour.5 It is not mandatory for characters in this kind of comedy to fit best into situations concerned appropriately. Thi s is because the outcome may be funnier due to the misfit of the character into the situation. For instance, the 23 Railway Cuttings, East Cheam was sometimes understood being the property of the council, but in many occasions a private landlord was in-charge6. The relationship of a character with other characters A successful situation comedy deals with more than one character operating in any environment. The presence of more than one character is the main vehicle to cause humour. This enables one to see how a character interacts with another character and the response of other characters. This response of other characters may be verbal or through action7. Status A successful situation comedy must also have varying status. These statuses may be imaginary or real. There may also be state of conflict and its resolution. Insults There is usually a tendency of those characters who seek status to be rude, insulting or unpleasant. However, this may not be the case in all situation comed ies that are successful. Each one of the audience during a successful situation comedy will try to identify with at least some part of these characters, their behavior or problems they pass through, even though such behaviors may be considered awkward in real life situations. The insults in this kind of comedy will always come out spontaneous and amusing. The insults may also result into a nervous laugh8. Responding to insults The manner in which a character responds to insults determines the quality of a situation comedy. In a successful sitcom, the receiver does not take the insult as a personal affront. For instance, a receiver of an insult may respond by hitting the issuer like in the comedy Fawlty Towers series Sybil was overwhelmed by the diatribes of Basil.9Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes a Successful Situation Comedy? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another important ingredient under charact erization is the temperament characters. This is where the author tells of how the character behaves most of the time. It does not describe the characterââ¬â¢s intelligence, beliefs, social position, physical attributes and such like things. The temperament characteristics of a given character may be ranked as strong, medium or weak. In a situation comedy, one needs to ensure that the specific character posses a mixture of attributes with varying degrees10. For instance in the case of a strong attributes we can talk of a character who is childish, grasping, talkative, and unscrupulous. While, in the case of weakness, we can talk of a character that is resigned, secretive, touchy, and talkative. This method should be able to produce characters suitable for a particular situation. A situation comedy dominated by characters of almost the same character will not be interesting to the audience11. For instance in the comedy Hancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour there is only one Sid type and one Hancock type. The comedy should have at least one strong type, more than two weak types, and a few normal types of characters. The laughter usually comes from the antics of the strong types as they try to interact with other characters. In most cases, the author tries to develop strong characters that experience frustrating, childish, pointless, off-beam, and depressing relationships. The type of speech and mannerism portrayed by a character also determines the quality of a situation comedy. The characters rarely laugh regardless of how hilariously they are found by the audience. This means that, in a good situation comedy, the characters will find no true enjoyment in the situations they face. In this case, you will find that the situation under consideration is one that the audience will have no difficulty dealing with but one character will be portrayed as being unable to deal with12. The character leading to inappropriate, stupid, delayed, or no action will misunderstand the nat ure of the problem. Things will always become worse before they are better in the sense that the character does not learn from experiences. This means that the character does not carry new life experiences forward to the next. Therefore, the audience is found laughing most of the time because they are able to predict accurately how worse the situation will become from simple beginnings of situations.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Title themes The choice of the title in a situation comedy determines how successful it will be. The title should represent something that is obvious and clear in the very first episode. In the comedy, Hancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour, it is clear from the title that whatever is under discussion is about time. Another ingredient of a successful comedy is the theme of the comedy. The theme describes well what the comedy is all about. For a situation comedy, designed to have many series the theme should be able to support a good number of humorous situations. If it cannot achieve such then, the theme might best fit a single comedy play. The description of the theme has little to tell about the humor of the work. A successful situation comedy cannot be made up of a theme that hints at improbable characters in situations that are unlikely. Situations Choice of situations also makes a good situation comedy. Situations are which characters face. Each situation stands for some kind of problem. T hese problems may be tough or trivial. Regardless of the situations, they create the need for taking a specific action. The characters take the best action possible to that situation even if it means ignoring the situations then that would mean that it is the best solution at that time. It is necessary for these situations to be funny13. In a situation comedy, situations are made funny when one of the characters is made to respond to them in a way that will seem inappropriate to the audience. The situation element snowballs and the characters become more and more troubled when the first action taken is inappropriate. This causes the characters to remain in trouble for most of the time or the rest of the episode. The author exploits several situations within an episode. Each situation in this case involves a subset of character. Multiple situations are made to start and end at different times in an episode. The author plays some elements of a situation as sequences of dreams, flash-f orwards or flashbacks. For instance in the comedy Fawlty Towers, the last page of this comedy shows that the problems that Basil faced cropped from the fact that he under stood in his mind that the pianist in the concert was the important guest14. However, it later turned to be the roll musician and the pink-haired rock. These attributes in the hotel clientele were unacceptable according to Basil. Then Sybil overrides Basil even though he wants to refuse a booking. The stress on Basil increased until he went pop. In a situation comedy, very few situations go deeper than the above. Locations Choice of location is critical to any situation comedy. A location is where characters are put. A successful situation comedy is set within four walls of the sitting room. This can be seen in the case of the palaces of the Sultan of Brunei. There should be a reason for changing characters from one location to another. Economic use of the location can be seen in Fawlty Towers. In this comedy, an e pisode kicks with the Sybil lobbing with Basil. The audience knows very little about the other part of the hotel. The audience only knows about the exterior in this case. The audiences can occasional see Sybil and Basilââ¬â¢s room, but they cannot exactly pinpoint the location of the room. Successful situation comedies have interior sets. When an interior set turns into an exterior set, then the audience can only view events in the absence of dialogue. The only thing that can be heard in an exterior situation is background music and some sound effects. Pace Every successful situation comedy must operate at a considerable pace. Pace is a recipe for generating a substantial number of laughs in a successful comedy15. It is not easy to create humor in the event of prolonged silence and idleness (characters sitting about doing nothing) of the characters. For there to exist laughs in the comedy there must be something is in progress or that is being said. Pace implies speed, but it is important to spread evenly the available elements of humor through the entire period of each humor. A successful situation comedy does not need humor to be bunched at the beginning or at the end16. Such a scenario does not hold the attention of the audience. A successful sitcom will always have same pace in all its episodes. Any consideration of a serious series idea must stand up well to the question on whether such sidesplitting material can be produced in three hours in the case of the six half hour episodes of the orthodox British format. Hancock proved himself as master of comic timing, instinctively knowing how long a pause should take there to be a maximum effect. Irregular expressions The dialogue lines spoken by improbable characters working their way through difficult situations is not the only source of humor in a situation comedy but, a combination of it with other elements. Most of the giggling in a situation comedy may arise from the gestures made by characters, verbal tics, and facial expressions, unexpected noises off together with other things to do with the manner in which dialogue is delivered or the physical action. These are called irregular expressions. They include breeding, double take, hypochondria, and phobias, jumping the gun, malapropism, and mispronunciation, noises off, quick thinking, silly laughs, speech impediments, slow dawning, and tics. Breeding comprises such elements as ââ¬Ëone of thisââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËYah,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËYahââ¬â¢ plus many other high level vocalizations achieved by mispronouncing some English like ââ¬Ëouââ¬â¢ sounds like ââ¬Ëdoubtââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëaboutââ¬â¢ will become ââ¬Ëa bite,ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëcloutââ¬â¢ becomes ââ¬Ëcliteââ¬â¢ and so on. People with breeding wear their clothes in a funny way like rolling up sleeves. Double take is a kind of quick dawning that is very useful in a situation comedy. A hypochondrium is where people are worried of some aspects of their health , with a substantial reason. This may result into amusement because of doing it at different times. Watching another person removes our own fears. Phobias represent fear of doing something in a character. This may be fear of insects, flying, darkness, boarding a speedy vehicle, and elevators. These result into nervous laughter when watched. Incorrect anticipation of what someone is going to say is known as jumping the gun. This may happen in such a way that you rush to say something or attempt unsuccessfully to act in a certain manner before it is necessary or the right time reaches. This makes a situation comedy to be more interesting. Malapropism is the use of muddled speech. It is used in characters that are intended to appear to be drunk. It can also be used on characters that have a high status and their status needs to be lowered17. Mispronunciation can be used to lower self-esteem of a character. This is used when the author wants to convey a good education. When used in the right situation noises off can be used to cause laughing. Noises off may be in the form of revving of engines, shouts, the crash of a falling crockery, tires screeching, footsteps, bed room sounds, announcements from public address systems, barking doors, closing and opening of distant doors, foghorn of a ship, blaring Hi-fi, and many other sounds. Silly laughs can be interesting and infectious. Hasty and not well thought kind of thinking can be referred to as quick thinking. A quick thinker can in most cases find himself or herself making a silly mistake that can stir up laughter. Slow dawning is displayed by varying facial expressions. It is mainly used when some event or fact is familiar to the audience. The act of doing things out of conscious when one is talking is known as tics18. These things may include rubbing the nose, scratching the nose, twitching, pulling the ears, looking at the ceiling while rolling the eyeball, or jangling key or money. Depending on the characterâ⠬â¢s social background, pictures can be expressed in term of words and phrases such as ââ¬Ëyeah,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËI sayââ¬â¢ and so on. In Hancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour, a marvelous talent for facial comedy was displayed by Hancock on the TV screen through the rolling of his eyes, lip sucking, concentrated increasing his brow, puffing of cheeks, suggested the magnitude of internal wrangling. Conclusion This discussion has touched on many issues as far as production of very successful situation comedy is concerned. It is good to understand that although, in the section under pace, it was noted that prolonged silence and inactivity would not introduce the aspect of fun to the audience, there are several situations in comedies, which have chuckled their way through such. This discussion has also focused more on Hancockââ¬â¢s half hour and Fawlty Tower to draw various aspects. The main reason here is that the two contained everything that makes a comedy successful. Such things incl uded a superb contained location, character mix, wide appeal for audience, easy to follow situations, enough humor, pathos, status, pace, slapstick, human interactions that can be recognized, caricature, and life struggles that have no resolutions. These make a series of episodes more interesting and one can be able to watch them more than one time. The title of Fawlty Towers comedy set out the objective of a situation comedy. This was achieved through identifying what makes a situation comedy very successful. Therefore, the way a comedy has been successful done before is just a road map of how one might approach it in later days. Bibliography Asplin, Richard. Gagged ââ¬â A Thriller With Jokes. London: Arrow books, 2004. Goddard, P. ââ¬ËHancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour: A Watershed in British Television Comedyââ¬â¢, in John Corner (ed.), Popular Television in Britain. BFI, 1991, pp. 75 ââ¬â 87. Lewisohn, M. Radio Timesââ¬â¢ Guide to TV Comedy. 2nd Ed. Revised. London: BBC Consumer Publishing, 2003. McCann, G. Fawlty Towers. London: Hodder Stoughton, 2007. . Footnotes 1 Goddard, P. ââ¬ËHancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour: A Watershed in British Television Comedyââ¬â¢, in John Corner (ed.), Popular Television in Britain. BFI, 1991, p. 75. 2 Ibid., p. 76 3 Ibid., p.77. 4 Lewisohn, Mark ââ¬Å"Radio Times Guide to TV Comedyâ⬠. (London: BBC Worldwide Ltd, 2003), p. 30. 5 Ibid., 33 6 Ibid., p.37. 7 Ibid., p.38 8 Ibid., p.41. 9 Peter Goddard, ââ¬ËHancockââ¬â¢s Half Hour: A Watershed in British Television Comedyââ¬â¢, in John Corner (ed.), Popular Television in Britain. BFI, 1991, p. 82. 10 Ibid., p.83. 11 Ibid., 87. 12 Asplin, Richard. Gagged ââ¬â A Thriller With Jokes.( London: Arrow books, 2004), p. 69. 13 Ibid., p.72. 14 Ibid., p.74. 15 McCann, Graham. Fawlty Towers. (London: Hodder Stoughton, 2007), p.46. 16 Ibid., p.49. 17 Ibid., p. 52. 18 Ibid., p. 54. This essay on What Makes a Successful Situation Comedy? was written and submitted by user Tomas Carlson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Story of Jesus Essays
Story of Jesus Essays Story of Jesus Essay Story of Jesus Essay In some cases Watson considers Paines argument good for nothing (Apology, 120). Paine compares the genealogies of Christ given at the beginning of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and having found a difference, he concludes that one of them lies and so if they cannot be believed in the very first part of their writing, then nothing that they say afterwards is to be believed (Apology, 121). In Watsons opinion, neither Paines premises nor his conclusion are admissible, since it is unfair to reject all the accounts of the Gospel, saying that the evangelists differ in writing a pedigree of thousands of years ago. Again Watson reasons out that two persons may write a genealogy of a certain individual based on different sources they find without the least intention to write a falsehood. Likewise, Matthew and Luke took their accounts from the public registers and wrote differently; Matthew followed the genealogy of Joseph (Jesus stepfather), and Luke the genealogy of Mary (Jesus mother). Had not their account been true, they would have been exposed by the Jews for having imposed a false genealogy on the Jewish nation (Apology, 122). Watson observes that Paine reads the Bible with a critical eye, pointing out what he thinks as an error, and disowns its moral and historical significance. The ongoing issues indicate that Paines and Watsons contrary views resulted from the 18th century modern biblical criticism, which emphasized fact, discarding the value of faith.16 Paine got used to this method while Watson stuck to Biblical authority. Their difference can be seen in their understanding of truth. What Watson regards as truth appears to be a myth for Paine. Their attitudes towards miracles can be mentioned as an example here. Paine asserts that the miracles cited by Josephus, i.e. opening the sea of Pamphlilia to let Alexander and his army pass is related to the division of the Red Sea narrated in Exodus. Also the two miracles, curing a layman and a blind man which Tacitus relates with Vespasian are synonymous to the miracles told of Jesus Christ by his historians.17 All these miracles are not acceptable to Paine because they sound naturally incredible. Responding to Paine, Watson argues that the miracles recorded in the Bible are the works of God, and therefore superior to those mentioned by Tacitus (Apology, 22). While Paine views the Biblical miracles as mere fables, Watson values them as supernatural acts whose validity cannot be doubted. Taking seriously the sort of contradictions he found in the Gospels, Paine rejects the whole story of Jesus (his virgin birth, crucifixion, and resurrection), considering them as myths derived from heathen mythology.18 Conversely, based on his inference that whenever two individuals write about somebodys story there may be a disagreement in minute points, Watson does not hesitate to accept the story of Jesus Christ as true. Once he is convinced that Christs birth and resurrection are miraculous in their nature, and the testimonies of the Gospels are deemed to be reliable source of divine inspiration, he does not leave any room in his mind to suspect the reality of the biography of Jesus. As a deist, Paine does not accept anything that is opposed to his own experience. But Watsons attitude towards things contrary to his experience is quite different from Paines. Watson states, my philosophy does not teach me to reject every testimony which is opposite to my experience (Apology, 48). The variation of their stand can be seen in the account of the standing still of the sun mentioned in the book of Joshua on which both of them commented. Paine contemptuously rejects the story as a tale only fit to amuse children.19 According to him, God works constantly through the universe, and so extraordinary accounts like the story in the book of Joshua are against Gods law. Defending the validity of the story, Watson brings proof from tradition. As stated by one of the ancient historian, in the time of Ahaz, the sun went back ten degrees. Also Herodotus said, the Egyptian priests told me that the sun had four times deviated from his course, having twice risen where it uniformly goes down and twice gone down where he uniformly rises (Apology, 52). In addition to this, as Joshua himself quoted (Josh. 10: 13), the miracle of the suns standing still was recorded in the book of Jasher. Therefore the testimony of tradition is enough for Watson to accept such a story which has never happened in his lifetime. Furthermore, as a believer in the supernatural deeds of God, Watson grounds his acceptance of the miracle in the book of Joshua on his conviction that the machine of the universe is in the hand of God; he can stop the motion of any part, or of the whole of it, with less trouble and less danger of injuring it than one can stop his watch (Apology, 53). Therefore, contrary to Paine, Watson emphasizes Gods freedom of action, asserting that he can do whatever he likes on the universe. The difference of opinion between Paine and Watson can also be traced out from their treatment of prophecies. According to Paine, prophets are impostures and fortunetellers whose prophecies can have no greater avail than poems and music (Apology, 58). As for Watson, the prophets were divinely inspired to declare Gods will in various manners and degrees of evidence as best suited the occasion and time (Apology, 59). It is true that the prophets are fallible in their nature. But according to Watson, they are not fallible while they are professing to deliver the word of God (Apology, 59). Thus their prophecies are deemed to be real predictions, though expressed in poetic language, and their fulfillment approves the truth of revelation. Paine points out contradictions in the Bible to which Watson replied, appealing to the text. Paine contends that the reason given for the observation of Sabbath in the book of Deuteronomy is different from that of Exodus (Apology, 31). In effect, he invalidates the authority of both books. In his reply, Watson states that as its name Deuteronomyà (a repetition of a law) indicates, the law which had been given to the Israelites was repeated to their children 40 years later because Moses their leader was soon to be taken and they were to settle in the midst of idolatrous nations. Thus, for Watson, it is not surprising if some additions and variations appear when a legislator thought fit to republish it many years later its first promulgation (Apology, 32). Paine also investigated the Gospels and found some accounts mentioned by one evangelist, which are not mentioned by all or by any of the others, and deduced that the gospels are not the works of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Apology, 125). For Watson the reverse is true. He infers that all the evangelists agree in a great many particulars of the life of Jesus: purity of his manners, publicity of his miracles, the manner of his death and resurrection. Hence, while they agree in these great points, Watson goes on, their disagreement in points of little consequence is rather a confirmation of the truth than an indication of the falsehood of their several accounts, because had they agreed in nothing, their testimony ought to have been rejected as a legendary tale, and had they agreed in everything it might have been suspected that they were a set of imposters (Apology, 125).
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Theories of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Theories of Motivation - Essay Example Locke goal setting theory involves dealing with specific, measurable, realistic and time bound objectives. The goal setting theory works on the principle that, for efficient performance, the individuals in the group must have a common goal to reach, and are explicitly stated. Goals are clear motivation that set standards for personal satisfaction. To achieve the goal, one must be able to set success and meet work challenges that are measurable. Equity theory explains the relation satisfaction in terms of perception of fairness distribution of resources. The concept of Locke can be incorporated into vroomââ¬â¢s theory this way; the Locke theory rotates on the principle of goal setting and working towards achieving the goal. It can be related to expectancy theory in that the employee must have some particular behaviour in the company to achieve the uttermost results that lead to a reward. It explains the motivation of the employee in achieving goals as a form of motivation. In relating Adams theory to expectancy theory; Adams theory explains the satisfaction of an employee, in which an employee will work or behave in certain ways to earn the equal treatment with other colleagues. The fairness leads to voluntary hard work that yield best
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Personal and professional development for business Essay
Personal and professional development for business - Essay Example As I reflect about my school life and attempt to gain success in professional field, I have understood the massive influence of my education on my present learning. I have historically infused education as a vital part and am currently improving myself through the way of higher education and training. These past experiences and present education will lead me to the outset of developing my personal career interests i.e. to become a gym instructor and to attain a commendable position in Tesco Plc. I desire to proposer my career in the field of fitness industry and retail segment and thus, there is a need for personal and professional development. Through personal and professional development plan, I can utilise my strengths and reduce my weaknesses for gaining better prospect of success in my career. Education and Training From the schooling days, I was quite obsessive regarding the selection of my profession which can provide me better enjoyment and where I can render my complete effo rt. Since I want to become a gym instructor, I have taken training on body building and exercising. I am quite good in workout and also have good physique which is an essential component of a gym instructor. I have also taken education on the subject of physical fitness. On the other hand, I have also the desire to perform as a top-level employee in Tesco. Due to this reason, I have also attempted to gain educational knowledge on business. Presently, I am pursuing BA Honours with specialisation in marketing. Since marketing is one of the vital activities of Tesco, this course will be helpful for me to obtain better understanding about different aspects of Tescoââ¬â¢s operations. I have a strong desire for utilising my learnings from present education in my future professional life. Key Lessons Learned from Education and Training In the past two years, I have acquired enormous knowledge about the basics of body building along with maintaining a good health. Through my training on physical fitness, I have learnt the ideas and principles which are associated with the development and application of individual physical activity plan. I have also gained an understanding about planning, applying, assessing and reviewing routine activities which contribute to health based fitness elements (Education and Advanced Learning, 2013). During by bachelor education, I also have acquired good communication skill which is regarded as vital trait for a gym trainer. This ability will allow me to deal with my clients effectively and to understand their interests and issues. Furthermore, in my educational career, I have also acquired the quality of inspiring other individuals. I have proper skill to guide people for accomplishing specific activities. In past two years while performing as a leader in my educational career, my performance was quite commendable as I have effectively motivated entire team towards accomplishing high performance. This ability would be helpful for me i n order to become a fitness trainer and can also enhance my employability (Lendrum, 2014). Throughout my specialisation in marketing, I have understood the basic ideologies of business, management and marketing. This course has close relationship with the career I pursue, i.e. to reach in a top-level position in Tesco. I was also educated about the problems and challenges of the business world and the methods to deal with them (Narver & Slater,
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Stakeholder Impact Essay Example for Free
Stakeholder Impact Essay Stakeholder are groups of people who have interest in an organization and have the potential to impact or influence or to be impacted on, or to be influenced by the event. As good engagement with stakeholders is critical to successful event planning and delivery, therefore we should handle stakeholders and their needs carefully. If this crisis is poorly handled, it might create a wide impact on the event or even the event organizationââ¬â¢s reputation. Therefore, it is very important to analyse each stakeholder, both individual and group, and then decide on the appropriate approach for each of them to keep them involved and supportive. In general, there are two types of stakeholder who can create impact to an organization or project which is internal stakeholder and external stakeholder. Internal stakeholders are people within the organization, for example employee, owner and shareholder. Therefore they can affect the hierarchy status using the formal power such as authority and senior position. They can also create influence to the organization culture with their leadership style or personal charisma. In addition, they can take control of strategic resources with their responsibility for strategic products. They also own the possession of knowledge and skills as they might own the expert knowledge to operate the project. For example, the balloonists in the hotair balloon event own the knowledge to fly the balloon. Other than that, internal stakeholder can control the environment due to their network relationships to external stakeholders. For example, the event planner of a company is the one who interact with the clients, so if he/she leaves the company, the clients might follow him/her too. Last but not the least is that they have involvement in strategy implementation, internal stakeholder have the decision power to do changes for example changing the supplier, suggesting other venue and so on. External stakeholders are people related to the project or organization who can affect and be affected by any decision made but not a member of them. They have the power to control the strategic resources. For example a monopolistic supplier has the power to decide the price and thus result in high cost for the organization. They also have involvement in strategy implementation; such external stakeholder may be strategic partners in distribution channels like media. They can also have to work together with the organization to find out the best way to send out the information to the target market. Other than that, they also have the possession of knowledge and skills. Examples are, organization outsources for subcontractors in order to utilize their expertise for the benefits of the organization.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Radio Propaganda during World War II :: Essays
Radio Propaganda during World War II Propaganda played an important role before and throughout World War II. It helped accelerate the development of the war and hastened actually fighting. It also played a crucial role in individual countries in increasing production and helping the war effort. Without propaganda, it is doubtless that the war would have taken a different course. I. American radio propaganda during WWII The radio has had a huge impact on bringing information to the public about war and other government issues. Advertising and broadcasting on the airwaves was a major step in bringing war propaganda to a level where people could be easily touched nationally. Broadcasting around the clock was being offered everywhere. Before there was television people relied on the radio as a way to be entertained, the means of finding out what was going on in the world, and much more. During the World War II time period, 90 percent of American families owned a radio, and it was a part of daily life. So it was an obvious means of spreading war propaganda. During this time period, propaganda was spread throughout the radio by means of news programs, public affairs broadcasts, as well as through Hollywood and the mainstream. The average person had not even graduated high school at the time, and the average reading level of the American was somewhat low. The radio made it possible for stories and news to be delivered to everyone in plain simple English. The radio served as a medium that provided a sense of national community. Although it took time, the radio eventually rallied people together to back up the American war effort. Propaganda in the Pre-World War II time period was very unpopular with the American people. Before WWII, the American people were getting tired of propaganda efforts put on by the government. Government propaganda reminded Americans of the war propaganda tactics used in earlier in World War I and now FDR was putting tons of effort into radio propaganda to support the new deal. FDR and his administration worked hard to convince people, politicians, and the media that the government was NOT trying to censor up information about what was going on. However the government still increased the radio informational network under the cover of the emergency defense network.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Evolution and Stages of Development of Self-Managed teams Essay
One of the most effective means of extracting the unutilized portion of the healthcare industry has been the self-managed team. This has been a recently identified area, and healthcare organizations are beginning to use it for their advantage in improving the health outcomes of the patients. Self-managed teams are also known as ââ¬Ëself-directed teamsââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ënatural teamsââ¬â¢, or ââ¬Ësemiautonomous teamsââ¬â¢. They are a group of employees that have to do daily responsibilities along with managing themselves. They would perform several tasks including managing work responsibilities, planning, problem solving, decision-making, scheduling the work, etc. The self-management teams would be having several characteristics including interacting with other working groups, responsibility providing the services, performing interdependent activities and managing the operations of the team (Schrubb, 1992 & Silverman, 1996). The basic evolution of a self-managed team occurs in five stages. Zawacki and Norman framed this in the year 1994. With a different situation arising due to the workflow, the team can revert to an earlier situation. A self-managed team would be having several roles to play with relation to patient care, and each of these roles would be in one of the seven stages of development. It is important to note that each of these roles played by the team members, would be in any of the seven stages of team development. The stages of self-managed team development include: ââ¬â In the first stage, when the team is new and do not know the skills and the knowledge of the work, a leader who is familiar with the work processes and competent with the work skills, would be providing supervision and would train the staff to perform the daily tasks. The leader once actually trains the staff members to perform the tasks, slowly shifts his role from a supervisor to a manager. He would now be slowly managing the activities of the team. Slowly the manager would begin to coordinate all the activities of the team. He/she would be training the staff members to perform tasks that would involve leading the lower staff members. Most of the members of the team take up certain responsibilities concerned with management. The manager acts as an interface between the self-managed team and the administration or the portfolio management. Slowly the manager of the team becomes an additional resource that would not only perform the tasks that the members of the group would be performing, but would also be invoked in interacting with the administration (Silverman, 1996). It is important that the organization moves thought all these stages in the self-management development process. The specific reasons for having a self-management development process include: ââ¬â To ensure that the patient is satisfied with the treatment To ensure that the team members get the feedback directly from the customers rather than from the managers and the supervisors. This would help the team to continuously develop over a period of time. The customer satisfaction levels would improve with time. To ensure that further responsibilities and roles for the staff members are incorporated in an appropriate manner. The organization, which has dynamic objectives, is able to function better if self-managed teams are existent. The managers and the supervisors, who play an important role guiding the staff members, can be utilized to engage in growth-related activities of the origination (Silverman, 1996).
Monday, January 6, 2020
Mutation Essay - 1023 Words
Mutation Mutation, by Robin Cook, is a twisted and scientific adventure, of a mans dream to create the perfect son. He succeeds in his quest yet, his results are not what you might say praiseworthy. Victor, the main character, tried to create the perfect son. He later discovers that his so-called perfect son, VJ, is not who and what he thought. VJ is a mastermind who is obsessed with learning as much as he can, and kills whoever gets in his way. Tampering with genetic makeup and cloning, are not good experiments; they can result with disastrous effects. Trying to control the traits and/or sex of a child, or whatever else one might want, by mixing up genes and chromosomes is not a full proof way to obtain their wishes. Itâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He would not participate in games with children his own age, when forced he would lose intentionally. He did this to hide his intellectual superiority. His explanation was, I prefer not to draw attention to myself. I dont want an yone to pry, and people seem to get so curious when there is a prodigy in their midst. When VJ faked his drop of IQ, he fooled the rest of the people into thinking he was normal, and no longer a genius. This caused him to be able to do his work without being watched carefully, and to obtain his normal exterior with little effort. If anything were to happen to the childs intellectual standings, for instance if they dropped, the child would feel disappointment about the fact that they would no longer be superior over his peers. The child would no longer feel capable of handling the pressures of their parents, because when one is different in any way, that person is constantly on show. Another effect from tampering with genetics is that there would always be a chance for something to go wrong. In Mutation, what went wrong with VJ was that his intelligence got him into trouble. He set high goals, which he considered to be top priority. Meaning that he would put everything else in his life last, and stop at nothing to obtain them. VJ took this to the extreme and in result he killed his brother, a friend of the family, a teacher, and his fathers business associate. When finding this information out, VJ was asked how heShow MoreRelatedGenetic Mutation And Genetic Mutations1079 Words à |à 5 PagesA genetic mutation occurs after the formation of the DNA sequence has been altered (Reference, 2016). Some mutations are easily noticed; others are well hidden. Depending on which mutation the individual has depends on how severe or obvious the mutation is. There are several different mutations an individual can have, and some individuals may have more than one. Althoug h mutations can be harmless, they can still be a hindrance to the individual who has it. 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